About Us

Nestled on 40 beautifully wooded acres SW of Lake Geneva, WI is the Big Foot Archers archery club. Big Foot was founded in 1957 by a group of local archery enthusiasts looking for the camaraderie and challenge that the sport of archery can bring. These archers started out shooting in local gymnasiums, community clubhouses and such before purchasing the current grounds the club is located on. Today Big Foot boasts a membership roll of approximately 100 active members.
The Big Foot Archers are a proud supporter and member of the following organizations…
- Sportsman’s Alliance
- The NFAA
- The Wisconsin Bowhunters Association (WBH)
- USA Archery
- The Kettle Moraine Field Archery League (KMFAL)
The Big Foot Club grounds consist of the clubhouse, 3 outdoor ranges, a garage/shed for storage of club property, and a primitive camping campground
THE CLUBHOUSE —The Clubhouse houses the indoor range, a meeting/social area, a bar, kitchen, and restrooms; it is fully heated and air-conditioned. The indoor range housed in the clubhouse is a 16-station 20-yard range with a full Block Target shooting wall. The clubhouse is available for member use and non-member use for events such as birthday parties, anniversaries, graduation parties, etc. for a small fee. Contact Big Foot for more information if interested.
PRACTICE RANGE — The practice range consists of Block Targets and excelsior bale backstops set at distances ranging from 10 yards out to 60 yards. This range provides archers a variety of distances to practice and become proficient with their equipment at.
NFAA FIELD ARCHERY COURSE — The NFAA Field Archery Course is a 28 target Field Archery Range that consists of two 14-target excelsior bale courses cut through the rolling woods of the club grounds. This course is a marked distance course and allows archers to practice and shoot at distances from 5 yards out to 80 yards; this range is also used for the public 3D shoots the club sponsors 3 to 4 times a year, as well as an NFAA Field Archery Tournament.
BROADHEAD COURSE — The Broadhead Course consists of 28 targets with sandpit backstops and cardboard silhouette targets. This range is currently being renovated to update it and make it more user friendly.
CAMPGROUND — The campground is a primitive campground and is open for member use at any time, (if there is no club function occurring). Non-members may use the campground when the club hosts shoots that are open to the public.
Big Foot sponsors several club events throughout the year and all of these events are open to the public.
Some of these events include…
See the website for more information or contact Big Foot Archers if interested.
- Complete a new member application. Applications are available at the clubhouse and can be picked up the night you join or whenever the clubhouse is open. You can also find a copy of the application online here.
- Attend a monthly membership meeting. You can turn in your application and pay your membership dues at this time.
- Upon completion of the application and dues payment, you will be sworn in during the monthly meeting you attend and given a fob that will allow you admittance to the club grounds and the clubhouse. ** FOBS must be purchased by members separate from their membership. **
- You are now a full-fledged member of the Big Foot Archers. Congratulations and welcome to the club!
- All memberships, (other than youth memberships) cover every member of the applicant’s family under 18 years of age.
WORKING MEMBERSHIP – the cost of this membership is $160.00 the first year, (this includes a $25.00 application fee and $10 FOB fee) and $125.00 every year thereafter. This membership requires the member to put in 10 work hours for the membership year.
Non-Working Membership – the cost of this membership is $310.00 the first year, (this includes a $25.00 application fee and $10 FOB fee) and $275.00 every year thereafter. This membership has no work hour requirements for the member.
There is no charge for using the outdoor ranges but there is a minimal fee for the following range usage.
INDOOR RANGE – there is a small fee for using the indoor range, (currently $6.00 for members and $9.00 for non-members) This allows the user to use the range for as long as they wish.
OUTDOOR 3D RANGE – There are 3D targets placed on the broadhead range September thru December. This range is available for members and non-members to use. (Non-members must be accompanied by a member to shoot the range). There is a small shooting fee for using this range, (currently $6.00 for members and $9.00 for non-members).